Furutech IEC Plugs

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Furutech IEC Plugs

Furutech, renowned for its commitment to high-quality audio accessories, presents its exceptional range of IEC connectors designed to elevate audio system performance. Rhodium, Gold and Silver plates are available in C7, C15 and C19 forms.

Crafted with precision engineering and top-tier materials, Furutech's connectors offer superior conductivity, minimizing signal loss and distortion while enhancing durability. With features like α (Alpha) Pure Copper Conductors and patented Floating Field Damper System, Furutech's IEC connectors ensure optimal power delivery for enthusiasts seeking unparalleled performance in their setups.

Furutech C15 IECs

Furutech C7 IECs

Furutech C19 IECs

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